ISLAcore NFT Meets Hype on Core DAO with Testnet Purchase Test

by BSC News

January 10, 2023


Another NFT sell out on Core DAO's testnet helps continue to build momentum for the mainnet launch.

ISLAcore Sells Out On Core DAO

A small but notable feat: ISLAcore has sold out its Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) on the Miidas NFT Marketplace via the Core DAO testnet.

In another successful test for the Core DAO mainnet, the ISLAcore team put eleven NFTs up for sale on the Miidas NFT testnet marketplace and sold out all eleven.

The NFTs for sale included imagery of Core DAO coins and fluffy finger puppet-esque characters with lettering that reads “Hello CoreDAO 2023.” The team took to Twitter on January 9 to celebrate the successful test.

The IslaCORE team is grateful to all who participated and will be gifting early adopters with a unique NFT from its team.

The sell-out is a testament to the hype surrounding even the smallest Core DAO projects. Core DAO projects like Miidas and Coggi Coin have also seen considerable hype build behind their projects with presale and pre-mint successes.

The ecosystem of Core DAO is slowly expanding. The projects building behind the Core DAO testnet are showing that they can produce hype and follow through on attracting users to their communities before the mainnet launch.

What is Core DAO:

Core DAO is the official decentralized organization developing the Satoshi Plus ecosystem. It represents an opportunity for miners to access new revenue streams by contributing hash power to the chain. Inspired by the principles of both blockchains, Core displays a deep appreciation for the history of the crypto ecosystem paired with an even greater excitement for Core’s role in its future.

Where to find Core DAO:

Website | Docs | Twitter | Discord
