Binance Megadrop 2nd Project: What is Lista?

by BSC News

May 23, 2024


Binance Megadrop participants can gain early access to Lista's airdrop rewards by subscribing to BNB locked products.

Cryptocurrency exchange Binance has announced the introduction of Lista (LISTA), the second project on its token issuance platform, Binance Megadrop

By subscribing to BNB-locked products or completing specific tasks in the Binance Web3 Wallet, users can gain early access to Lista’s airdrop rewards, making it an exciting opportunity for participants.


But what is Lista? Let's find out

Understanding Lista

Lista DAO operates as an open-source liquidity protocol, enabling users to earn yields on collateralized cryptocurrency assets such as BNB, ETH, and stablecoins. It also allows borrowing of its decentralized stablecoin, lisUSD. 


The protocol employs a dual token model, comprising a destablecoin lisUSD and LISTA, with mechanisms for instant conversions, asset collateralization, borrowing, and yield farming. Initially native to the BNB Chain ecosystem, Lista DAO plans to expand to multiple blockchains.

The Concept of Destablecoin

A destablecoin is a new asset class within the crypto space, aiming to provide a more accurate representation of the current stablecoin landscape. The prefix “de-” stands for decentralized, indicating that these coins do not signify price volatility like traditional assets such as BTC. 


Destablecoins utilize decentralized, liquid-staked crypto assets as collateral and do not aim for absolute price stability with fiat currencies. Despite not being fully volatile, destablecoins reportedly allow for some price fluctuations similar to regular fiat currencies with varying reference rates and interest rate parities.

lisUSD: The Decentralized Stablecoin

Lista DAO’s lisUSD is a decentralized, unbiased, collateral-backed destablecoin soft-pegged to the US Dollar. Users who collateralize their assets via Lista can take out a loan in lisUSD against their collateral. 


lisUSD is generated, backed, and kept stable through collateral assets deposited into CeVault, functioning as the Lista collateral vault. This mechanism ensures that lisUSD maintains its value and liquidity in the market.


Users can borrow lisUSD by depositing collateral assets into CeVault within Lista. This process introduces lisUSD into circulation and provides users access to liquidity. Others can obtain lisUSD by buying it from brokers or exchanges or by staking lisUSD through LPs on external DEXs. 


According to the Lista team, once generated, bought, or received, lisUSD can be used similarly to other cryptocurrencies for payments and transactions, enhancing its utility within the ecosystem.


Core Features and Security

Lista DAO offers several key features to its users:

  • Collateralization: Users can collateralize assets such as BNB.

  • Borrowing: lisUSD can be borrowed against the collateral.

  • Yield Farming: Users can farm lisUSD to earn yields.

  • Loan Repayment: Loans can be repaid with lisUSD plus borrowing interest, currently set at 0%.

  • Collateral Withdrawal: Users can withdraw their collateral after repaying the loan.

To ensure security and trust, the Lista team has renounced ownership of the contract and burned liquidity provider (LP) tokens. These tokens are sent to a burn address, making them irrecoverable and ensuring perpetual baseline liquidity for the token. 


This approach protects against potential rug pulls and builds confidence within the community.

The LISTA Token

LISTA is the native fungible token of Lista DAO, used for governance and utility functions within the protocol. It provides economic incentives to encourage user contributions and participation within the Lista DAO ecosystem. 


The token is designed to facilitate decentralized community governance and promote active engagement with the protocol, making it a crucial component of Lista’s operational model.

LISTA Tokenomics

Lista’s tokenomics are designed to foster a robust ecosystem:

  • Total Supply: 1 billion LISTA tokens.

  • Initial Circulation: 230 million tokens.

  • Megadrop Incentives: 100 million tokens, representing 10% of the total supply.

  • Zero Transaction Fees: Ensures no additional fees for transactions.

Economic Incentives and Governance

LISTA provides economic incentives to encourage user contributions and participation. Users can earn LISTA tokens for their engagement with the protocol, such as depositing or staking with Lista DAO, performing transactions, and participating in governance activities. 



LISTA facilitates decentralized community governance for the network. Holders of LISTA can propose and vote on governance proposals to determine future features, upgrades, and parameters of Lista DAO. 


This includes decisions on revenue pool allocations, adding new vaults, and adjusting protocol parameters and fee levels. However, LISTA does not entitle holders to vote on the operation and management of Lista DAO, its affiliates, or their assets.

Market Dynamics and Expansion

The introduction of LISTA on Binance Megadrop and its subsequent listing on the Binance exchange reflects a significant step for the project. 


The total supply of LISTA tokens is set at 1 billion, with an initial circulation of 230 million, representing 23% of the total supply. The Megadrop incentives constitute 100 million tokens, which account for 10% of the supply. 


Following the completion of the Megadrop, Binance will list LISTA on its cryptocurrency exchange, with further details regarding the listing plan to be announced separately. 

How to Participate in Megadrop

To participate in the Megadrop, users need to utilize their active Binance Web3 Wallet to subscribe to BNB Locked Products on Binance Simple Earn. This subscription reportedly allows users to accrue scores, which are crucial for gaining access to the airdrop rewards. 


Additionally, users can complete designated Web3 Quests to gain scores and receive a score multiplier in the Megadrop section of the Binance application. 


Megadrop is designed to provide users early access to select Web3 projects before they are listed on Binance, integrating the exchange’s Simple Earn feature with the Web3 Wallet, thus transforming the airdrop process.


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