Rareboard Announces Achievement Tokens for Marketplace Users

by BSC News

December 20, 2022


The NFT marketplace gives users the ability to show off their accomplishments from Rareboard activity.

Rareboard Claimable Achievement Tokens

Users of the Rareboard NFT platform can now earn Claimable Achievement Tokens for simply using the platform as normal. Rewards will be given for the number of bids, mints, buys, and more.

To reward the activity of its community, Rareboard confirmed in a Dec. 20 blog announcement that there will be “five levels and different categories for Achievements,” with various difficulty levels available. Achievement Tokens will have different graphic imagery associated with the tasks completed.

“Our community is the beating heart of Rareboard (opens new window)and we highly value your contributions and interactions with our platform” Rareboard writes in its blog. “That's why we've created our Claimable Achievement Tokens (CATs) to reward users for their activity on Rareboard.”

Rareboard has added that they will refund any user’s gas funds from the fees it costs to facilitate the transaction for claiming the achievement tokens. The team also announced OG tokens for long-time Rareboard users, and users who claim early will be eligible for an upcoming airdrop that could be the Rareboard token itself.

What Is Rareboard:

Rareboard is an NFT Marketplace Aggregator and Rarity Dashboard built for projects housed on the BNB Chain. It also provides a platform where users can mint, buy & accept bids on NFTs from multiple marketplaces at no extra cost.

Where to find Rareboard:

Website | Twitter | Telegram | Discord

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