Music NFT Artist Violetta Zironi Provides Insights Into Music NFTs at NFTLVcon in Las Vegas

by BSC News

September 7, 2022


Music NFT diva Violetta Zironi discusses the value music NFTs bring to music admirers and artists alike at NFTLVcon in Las Vegas.

Music NFT diva Violetta Zironi discusses the value music NFTs bring to music admirers and artists alike at the Las Vegas NFT conference focused on art and music

A Music Admirer Since Childhood

Music artists are leveraging blockchain technology to sell Non-Fungible Tokens(NFTs) of their songs on NFT marketplaces. Buyers can listen to their favorite songs at any time and own them forever. But it doesn't end there. NFTs can also serve as tickets to live events, allowing fans to attend concerts and other events.

A leading personality in this field crypto niche is Violetta Zironi, a singer and actress who believes in providing maximum value to holders of her NFTs. Music has been a passion of Violetta since she was a child. Now as an established artist, she is touring Europe and the U.S., writing and rewriting songs, and collaborating with other artists with whom she shares the stage along the way.

Zironi first learned about NFTs in early 2022 and saw them as a way to interact with the people who appreciate her music. At NFTLVcon, the recently concluded art and music NFT conference in Las Vegas, BSC News and Main Street News had the opportunity to speak with her.

Violetta Zironi performing at NFTLVcon, Las Vegas

In February this year, Zironi released her first music NFT project, Moonshot, which included 2500 pieces.

“There are five songs spread evenly across the collection, so 500 NFTs per song. However, the art is hand drawn but generative, which means every NFT looks different from each other,” Zironi told BSC News and Main Street News. “The NFT collection minted out on May 27, and currently, the secondary volume stands at 130 ETH.”

The NFTs also provide a range of benefits to holders. Utilities include access IRL to events, lifetime free tickets to her concerts, vinyl posters, free mints, private Zoom concert, and access to new music releases.

Music NFTs Provide Artists With Utilities As Well

Zironi believes that in addition to providing value to her holders, NFTs also provide value to the artist. As she explains:

“I also believe that music NFTs can really create an ecosystem for the artist to be involved with true fans and supporters, just like stakeholders as a part of a company. The music NFT ecosystem has provided me with a lot of utilities and a lot of value. I have a group of people to rely on because they are just as involved as me and those are not gonna go away as long as I am there, continuing to provide value to them.”

The influential music NFT artist is optimistic about the future of music NFTs, believing that all music will be on the blockchain in the next five to ten years.

“I hope once it gets saturated, it’s not gonna become like Web2.0. I also hope we can keep the repricing of music for what it’s really worth. It’s art, you know, it’s not a commodity,” Zironi said.

She urged music fans to check out other music NFT artists on Twitter and to support them if they appreciate the creative direction and utility of the NFTs.

“With music NFTs, you can invest in a piece of music that you really like. Even if the NFT collection goes to zero, you have invested in an artist you admire,” Zironi shared.